Here's the trailer to the most anticipated Disney Channel Original Movie ever...
High School Musical 2! (Premieres August 17th on the Disney Channel in the USA, and on the Family Channel in Canada. Other regions: Asia - September 9, Asia - September 9, Australia/New Zealand - September 22, Germany - September 22)
Songs in the new film include:
What Time Is It (Company),
You Are the Music In Me (Company),
All for One (Company),
Everyday (Company),
Fabulous (Ashley Tisdale and Lucas Grabeel), Gotta Go My Own Way (Vanessa Hudgens),
Humuhuunukunukua'pua'a (Ashley Tisdale and Lucas Grabeel),
Bet On It (Zac Efron),
I Don't Dance (Corbin Bleu and Lucas Grabeel),
Work This Out (Zac Efron and the Wildcats).
And here's the most recent episodes of the Disney Channel's weekly Behind the Scenes show.
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High School Musical 2 CDs, Books, and other
High School Musical merchandise available now at the
High School Musical Shop.